ISO 9001 is the most widespread International Standard that sets out the basic principles for ensuring the quality of products and services a company offers to its customers.
The role of quality in the business world has been upgraded and has become vital for businesses. This is since competition based upon selling price has turned into competition based upon the quality level of products and services.
Thus, the intensifying competition on a global scale and the growing awareness of buyers – users around quality issues, leads to a generalized movement of quality awakening, and the companies’ certification according to ISO 9001 is now the only way for their business continuity. In recent years, the implementation of a Quality Management System and its corresponding certification, is a prerequisite for the participation of a company in tenders announced by public or private organizations. Customers also, if they do not require, they at least appreciate the fact that a company has a Quality Certificate.
The development of a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 ensures that the company implements all the necessary actions to:
The Quality Management System generally covers the following areas:
For more information about Management Systems, see the “Information Material” section.